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Know The Lizards

Lizards are common pests in houses, factories & building, There are several different types of lizards that are naturally occur in and around houses, building, factories. They may be a pest according to season or geographical regions. Lizards are pest simply by their presence indoors. They do not live or infest indoor areas but come from surrounding while most people do not like lizards or are frightened by their presence on interior walls and counters. 

Lizards actually are creepy cold blooded reptiles but often considered as pests. Being slimy creatures, they can enter through cracks of windows and small gaps along doors or any other holes in the house. There will be many hidden at some corner. Sealing the cracks prove to be temporary way as lizards do find their way inside the home after a few days.

Lizards are inactive primarily during day and night. They move indoors during the early evening or early morning in search of insects that are attracted to lights. Lizards feed primarily on insects and spiders. They especially prefer an

How We Can Help?

  • India’s best Lizard Pest Control Company
  • This treatment would be carried out by directing the recommended pesticides towards the lizards and their hideouts & killing them. Spraying of target specific pesticides will be done on electric wires, meter rooms, bathroom, windows, [tunnels, cracks & crevices, and conduits].
  • This treatment will be done externally only and not within the plant area since the recommended pesticides have a characteristic odour. Treatment will be carried out during the evening hours [6.30 p.m. onwards].
  • Max Integrated Services pest control experts service will guarantee to significantly reduce the problem in your home or your business. We have a large range of approved insecticides for lizard control. We will look at what is causing the problem and give you the information needed to avoid another fly infestation.
  • We use Bayer Chemicals approved by Central Insecticide Board for best results and safety.

After Service

  • Max Integrated Services pest control experts continuously monitor the effectiveness of control strategy at a regular interval of 15 days throughout the contract period
  • Within the contract period if you have a complaint after a service; our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.
  • With an Extended Warranty, if you face any problem post your contract expiry our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.

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